My Books

Applications and Trends in Machine Learning Front Page

With Other members we have written this Book  

About the Book: The book is specially designed to cater to the need of the beginners and experienced professionals. The book provides good in-depth concepts and is easy to understand with the examples cited. The book focus more the application of machine learning along with the current trends. The book also covers on how the machine learning application can be developed

Purchase at –  Amazon.IN

Applications and Trends in Machine Learning back Page

My Patents

Design patent
Certificate of Registration for a UK Design Design number: 6375676 Grant date: 09 July 2024 Registration date: 02 July 2024 This is to certify that, in pursuance of and subject to the provision of Registered Designs Act 1949, the design of which a representation or specimen is attached, had been registered as of the date of registration shown above in the name of Dr.Amit kumar , Dr Diana Moses , Prof. Swapnil Nilkanth Patil, Sachin Sahebrao Nimbalkar, Dr.Battula Balnarsaiah , Dr.Sunil Tekale in respect of the application of such design to: AI BASED ROBOT FOR HR OPERATIONS International Design Classification: Version: 14-2023 Class: 15 MACHINES, NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED Subclass: 99 MISCELLANEOUS
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