BMCC Students

AI For Everyone

On hashtag#weekends As a hashtag#trainer, I told the hashtag#students that they have ₹1 crore in hashtag#capital and create a hashtag#business hashtag#plan that hashtag#sustains for hashtag#five years with a hashtag#customer-centric, hashtag#AI-First, hashtag#Security-First, and hashtag#Mobile-First approach with hashtag#risk hashtag#management. They hashtag#successfully executed it. have hashtag#capacity to hashtag#speak on any hashtag#stage for 10 minutes to 1 hour. hashtag#without taking hashtag#reference. if you need anyone for hashtag#brainstorming hashtag#sessions I hashtag#special hashtag#area invite hashtag#us.

Now, they feel like real hashtag#entrepreneurs and hashtag#understand the hashtag#syllabus hashtag#concepts and hashtag#objectives more clearly. hashtag#Story creation always helps in hashtag#lean hashtag#learning, enabling them to hashtag#grasp concepts hashtag#professionally rather than just through a hashtag#technical hashtag#perspective.

BMCC, College, Pune. hashtag#TYBCA hashtag#BBA hashtag#CA
Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)
SPPU Alumni Association
Garje Marathi Global

To hashtag#learn hashtag#deeply hashtag#independently in the hashtag#community join start readings hashtag#connect in our hashtag#open hashtag#meetings hashtag#showcase your hashtag#perfect hashtag#learnings or ask you hashtag#doubt

Being hashtag#prepared for next hashtag#generation hashtag#alumni

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